1만 채 이상의 아파트로 이루어진 잠실지역에 위치한다. 한강이
바라다보는 이곳은 3면으로
아름다운 서울의 경치를 즐길 수 있다. 3세대가
함께 사는 아파트는 170㎡
의 면적으로 이루어져 있으며, 3개의
영역으로 분리된다.
확장하여, 내부 공간으로 유입시키고, 영역이
분리되는 곳마다 도어를 설치하여 공간을
자유롭게 분리한다. 그러나
영역을 합치고자 할 때도 문은 방해되지 않는다. 수용성 화이트
페인트로 칠해진 벽과 천정은 경계가 없어 더 넓고, 높아 보이는 효과를 주고, 공간을
밝게 만들어준다. 화장실과
주방을 뺀 아파트 바닥 전체는 밝은 톤의 오크 원목마루로 이루어져 있고, 집
전체는 천연 대리석과 원목 또는 한지 같은 자연에서 나는 소재들로 마감되어서 서로 자연스럽게
조화를 이룬다.
The apartment is located in Jamsil which consists of more than 10,000 apartments.You can enjoy the beautiful view of seoul on three sides overlooking the Han river. The apartment where three generations live together consists if on area of 170m2 and is divided into three arears. The balcony is expaned and introduced into the inner space and door are installed wherever the area is sparated to freely separate the space. But even when trying to merge the areas, the door dosen’t get in the way.White painted walls and ceilings have no boundaries giving it a wider, lofty effect and brightening the space.The entire apartment floor, expect for the bathroom and kitchen consists of a light-toned oak floor. The entire house ,enclude oakfloor is finished with natural marble and natural materials such as hardwood or koreanpaper, so it naturally harmonizes.
Project by Plainvanillastudio
Photography br Dayoffphotost
The apartment is located in Jamsil which consists of more than 10,000 apartments.You can enjoy the beautiful view of seoul on three sides overlooking the Han river. The apartment where three generations live together consists if on area of 170m2 and is divided into three arears. The balcony is expaned and introduced into the inner space and door are installed wherever the area is sparated to freely separate the space. But even when trying to merge the areas, the door dosen’t get in the way.White painted walls and ceilings have no boundaries giving it a wider, lofty effect and brightening the space.The entire apartment floor, expect for the bathroom and kitchen consists of a light-toned oak floor. The entire house ,enclude oakfloor is finished with natural marble and natural materials such as hardwood or koreanpaper, so it naturally harmonizes.
Project by Plainvanillastudio
Photography br Dayoffphotost